Birth: 1950

Death: 2010

Gravesite: Oak City Cemetery, Oak City, UT

Brief Life Sketch

“As I entered my childhood home and beheld the familiar carpet, the peach-scented candle, and the ever comforting spirit that had permeated the walls, I was filled with memories from years past—Christmases with flames blazing in the fireplace; Early morning scripture reading before the older kids headed to seminary; Saturday morning cartoons on the big wooden TV.

I had visited home regularly throughout the almost fourteen years I had been married, but this occasion was different. It would be the last time I would walk into this familiar setting and be greeted with the warmth only a mother can give.

Underlying all the various emotions was an unexplainable current of joy. Joy that we are an eternal family. Joy to have had her as a mother. Joy in knowing that death is not the end. Joy that is only made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

written by Alisa Landreth Ottesen