“Just Plain Folks”
To a mansion in the city came a couple old and gray
To meet their son who left them long ago.
He had prepared and grown wealthy since in youth he went away
And how his life was on of pomp and show.
But coldly did he greet them for rich friends were by his side
Who often heard him boast of home so grand.
But the old man sadly looked at him and said in modest pride
As he gently took his dear wife by the hand.
We are just plain folks your mother and me.
Just plain folks, like our own folks used to be.
As our presence seems to grieve you,
We will go away and leave you
For were sadly out of place here,
’Cause were just plain folks.
Taint so long ago since you were but a simple country lad
And did the work that country lads should do.
In those days you never looked with shame on mother and old dad.
In fact my boy, we both were proud of you.
But something must have changed you for your wealth has brought vain pride.
Still riches sometimes take swift wings they say.
But you’ll always find a hearty welcome at your parents’ side.
They will greet you in the same old loving way.